Friday, March 27, 2009

She's Half The Dog She Was Yesterday!

Over the years I have spent good money after bad on grooming tools for the dogs. I've tried everything from an attachment for the vacuum cleaner that sucks off the loose hair to the glove that grabs loose hair while you run it over the dog's back. None of them really work as well as the package says it will and I am forever left frustrated by all the dog hair I must constantly sweep up. I realized that, essentially, I was approaching the task of grooming the dogs with sheer laziness.

The other day I splurged and bought a basic de-shedding comb. If only I had done that in the first place.....In my defence, I have never owned a dog with long thick hair before and didn't realize the simplest is the easiest.

I've spent a few days carefully combing Cider. Bless her heart, she's the most tolerant dog I've ever had. She just sits and lets me gently comb her, taking away the thick heavy hair that is probably a burden for her.

This morning I took a good long look at her and I swear she's half the dog she used to be. Cinder looks thinner!

Careful combing beats putting her on the diet I had planned when I thought she was getting winter fat.

Now, if only I can catch our other dog, Climber, and comb her.

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